Crime down in the east of Roodepoort

Stats show a drop in various crimes in one month.

It’s not every day that crime decreases anywhere in South Africa but, this seems to have been the case for three suburbs in Roodepoort this past month.

According to Louis Grobler from Security in Practice (SIP), a community anti-crime initiative, “Crimes reported in December 2013 compared to January 2014 decreased in the suburbs of Florida Glen, Quellerina and Bergbron. In December 2013, 37 crimes allegedly were reported, compared to 30 crimes reported in January 2014.”

This information was made available at a FNQB meeting attended by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS), block watches, security, the community and councillors.

Although the stats show a decrease in crime for one month only, there is hope that the hard work by many involved will continue in 2014. Big appreciation went out to representatives of the the Beagle Watch, Best Secure and the SAPS for their efforts in bringing down crime. Captain Keyter also was singled out for his diligence.

A breakdown of the crimes reported in the two periods are as follows:

December 2013

• 19 burglaries

• 5 house robberies

• 5 malicious damage to property incidents

• 4 thefts of motor vehicles

• 4 thefts out of motor vehicles

January 2014

• 13 burglaries

• 2 house robberies

• 2 malicious damage to property incidents

• 5 thefts of motor vehicles

• 8 thefts out of motor vehicles

Suburbs targeted the most to least is Bergbron, Florida Glen and Quellerina. The most common method of entrance is said to be at the front of the house, or where there is a sliding door or burglar bars. The items burglars prefer the most apparently are TVs, Hi-Fis, electrical appliances and jewellery.

The next FNQB meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 26 February.

Other topics discussed were:

Green-belt areas and crime

• Residents expressed concern about how criminals gain access via green-belt areas.

• It is suspected that criminals are dropped off at the highway and then use the tunnel underneath to enter and escape with their stolen goods.

• This tunnel is littered with broken TV sets. It is assumed that the reason for this is the fallacy that substance within TVs can be used to add to other drugs.

• Warrant Officer Van der Bergh was challenged on the SAPS’ reaction to the onslaught neighbourhoods are experiencing from criminals utilising the green-belt areas. His opinion was that there are no evidence that criminals utilised vehicles to commit crimes and entered and escaped by road.

• There was a strong response from the meeting with anecdotal evidence mentioned of CCTV footage showing suspects climbing over newly erected fences.

• Councillor Ingrid Reinten asked for proof that criminals are using the green belts to strengthen her case when the issue is presented to City Council.

• Warrant Officer Van der Bergh mentioned how removing vagrants (who are mostly illegal immigrants) is a thankless task without a commitment from Home Affairs to repatriate these individuals.

• Even though green-belt operations target illegal immigrants, they return within a week.

Watch for suspicious vehicles/ individuals and safety tips

• Residents need to remain vigilant at all times and ensure that they are not followed home.

• Both house robberies in our sector this month occurred after residents were followed and then confronted in their driveways.

• Van der Bergh suggested that spikes be fitted to walls, preventing criminals to climb over them.

• Although beams have been installed at some properties, suspects clamber along walls to avoid them.


• Van der Bergh asked residents to report crimes, as without a proper statement they will not form part of official records.

• Beagle Watch shot a suspect in Soutpans Avenue (in Fairland) recently.

• Majuba Avenue burglaries took place from 12.30am and 5am and a white Opel Corsa was seen in area.

• The SAPS was asked to help identify suspicious vehicles. This allegedly only can happen during weekdays.

• Confidence Qhubani from Beagle Watch mentioned that number plates are being stolen off vehicles as well as being manufactured illegally and affixed to vehicles of a similar make and colour.

• Beagle Watch will place emphasis on certain crime routes with the help of residents.


• It was asked whether there were any developments regarding the murder in Kompass Crescent last December. Van der Bergh seemed unaware of the murder and promised to investigate.


• An FNQB WhatsApp Group has been effective in bringing down crime in the sector.

• Only 50 users can be accommodated per WhatsApp Group and Bruno suggested that residents form their own groups and pass on relevant information.

Florida Police Station

• It was requested that Colonel Rautenbach attend the meetings in future.

• Bruno mentioned the huge drain on manpower owing to the shortage of members at the Florida Police Station and that the situation is unlikely to improve in the short term.

• From six sectors in Florida in the past, now only two are patrolled by fewer vehicles.

• Recently the JMPD was reassigned from their normal duties after the Florida Police Station requested they take part in riot control. This after it was felt that the station members were not “sufficiently trained”.


• The JMPD promised to remove taxis parking illegally in the sector.

• They will raid the area again with the aim to eradicate illegal taxi ranks permanently.

• The plan to place rocks on the corner of Lange and Gordon Road to prevent taxis from parking there was discussed again.

Dumping Site

• The Nuweveld dumping site still exist and the JMPD has promised to take action.

Councillors Ingrid Reinten and Steve Kotze then addressed the meeting.

Ward Representatives

• The sector covers three wards and includes three different councillors.

• Ingrid Reintin is responsible for Ward 89 (which covers Quellerina), Steve Kotze Ward 86 (which covers Bergbron, Northcliff Extension 19, Delarey, Florida Glen and Whiteridge) and Pat Richards Ward 88 (which covers Northcliff Extension 25).


• Ingrid passed around a petition to address water and electricity, and open area problems.


• Ingrid mentioned that Joburg’s e-services website is up and running again, however she says that she has tried to log on and change account details but it still seems to be down.

City Parks

• City Parks has been requested to maintain open areas and the increasing criminal presence will be used as motivation to try and get the Council to act.

Fencing and speed humps

• Although Council is responsible for fencing of open areas, residents can pay for the fencing themselves to speed up the process.

• The issue of speed humps in Lange Street has been discussed with a DA Member of Council and he has promised that a decision will be made within two months.

• It was mentioned that residents also could pay for speed humps to be implemented.

Roads left unrepaired

• After the pipe was repaired at the corner of Lange Street and Zandra Avenue, JRA still has to tar the road. Ingrid is to follow up on this with the relevant authorities.

Suburb inventory

• Steve drove through the sector with Zirk van Niekerk and a Council coordinator and drew up an inventory of problems such as lights not working, storm-water drains that need attention, etc.

• Steve Kotze commended the Forum for its efforts in policing crime and mobilising the community.

Voter registration

• The councillors reminded residents that the last weekend for voter registration would be on 8 and 9 February.

• Teenagers can register from the age of 16 and then automatically will be eligible to vote at the age of 18.

• SMS 32810 with ID number to check if you are registered.

Ward Committee

• Steve wants to establish a ward security committee.

• Capital is put forward by the Council to address critical issues such as water leaks. The ward safety plan also would look at the Nuweveld Avenue illegal dumping situation and other areas.

FNQB Committee for 2014

• Bruno called on residents to get involved in FNQB activities to bring down crime and the committee was drafted into another year’s service.

• Residents who are interested in getting more involved can contact the FNQB Forum through Bruno.

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