Massive roadblock just ‘routine’

CLEARWATER - Motorists idle for more than thirty minutes

As if the sweltering weather on Friday 24 January wasn’t enough, Hendrik Potgieter Road came a complete standstill owing to a massive roadblock carried out by Metro police.

Some motorists were furious. “Can’t they do this at a more convenient time? We have a business meeting. That we are spending so much time in a roadblock is ridiculous,” said motorist Raymond More.

Metro police were well equipped, with enough manpower to carry out a thorough roadblock for the better part of the day. It began at 9am and by 3pm it was not done, and it took motorists more than thirty minutes to drive through the area of Jim Fouché and Fredenharry/Krugerrrand roads.

Spokesperson for Metro police, Edna Mamonyane said this was a routine roadblock. She urges motorists to be patient when they carry out these operations. According to Mamonyane, 1593 cars went through the road block and 270 cars were stopped.

Police were checking for outstanding fines and warrants of arrests. Those with outstanding fines were able to pay them on the spot as there was a paying point on site. There were no major traffic violations reported. A minor accident occurred a few metres from the roadblock, which Mamonyane stated the police attended to.

Few taxis were seen driving through the roadblock, no doubt because taxis drivers are believed to be the motorists who violate the most traffic laws. Nearby the massive roadblock, the illegal taxi rank on Hendrik Potgieter in front of Makro went on as usual, with no police presence whatsoever.

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