Hail storm aftermath (video, photos, readers’ comments and more)

Everything you would like to know and see following the hail storm of 28 November 2013.

West Rand residents suffered some damage following a massive hail storm on 28 November.

Watch the video, read their comments and go through the pictures below.

A video taken by a reader in Florida.

Readers’ comments:

C. Brits – “I had to close Porky’s pup due to Flooding”.

Ashley Walters – “My elektriese heining se drade is afgeslaan en ‘n venster stukkend. Al die verf is van my tuin meubels afgeslaan. Mindalore”.

Herman van der Westhuizen – “As far as I know, only our one television got struck by lightning in mindalore”.

Elaine – “My kitchen window was broken by the hail and garage roof got damaged. I live in Discovery”.

Dylan – “At about 4.20pm this afternoon, my mother was caught in the worst storm of her life … while driving. After thinking that the car would wash away, or nevertheless, look like a giant golf ball, she survived the trauma/ hail/ flooding. She was just happy to be alive and for her car to not to be damaged”.

Diane – “Our roof is damaged, leaking into two bed rooms. Cartpets and everything is wet”.

Nicoleen – “The boarding house in Randfontein’s cars are all damaged, windows broken and suffered severe holes in our cars’ bodies. Very big damages. Hearts are broken but atleast we are still alive”.

Anneline – “Storm damaged my roof ceiling in the passage and it knocked my alarm out. Lindhaven”.

Shenaz – “We suffered a lot of damages; roof tiles broken, windowns broken and ceiling is leaking”.

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