Increase sales and know success

Copy-writing specialist addresses audience at Rocci workshop

The Roodepoort Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (Rocci) “How to sell like a home shopping network” workshop was held at the Roodepoort Civic Centre on 12 November.

Sales copy-writing specialist Jacques De Villiers gave an insightful talk regarding how to copy-write efficiently for advertising, websites and testimonials in order to increase product sales and make a business more successful. His advice was simple: “Get the head and the heart first, and the body will follow.”

According to De Villiers it’s important to carry out target profiling first. “Know your customer and then build personas around that knowledge. Communicate in a language your consumers understand.”

He further relayed that it is important to nurture an emotional attachment toward your business within the consumer. “Your consumer wants to feel personally connected to you, so try to cultivate a likable reputation amongst your clientele through your copy-writing.”

“But don’t be ‘vanilla’,” he said. “It’s great to bend over backwards for your consumers, but also know that not everyone you come across will like you. You can’t please everyone, and that’s okay. As long as your existing relationships you have with your consumers grow from strength to strength, you will be successful.”


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