Pick n Pay burns

Fire destroys valuable documentation in storage room.

Management of Pick n Pay Wilro Park got somewhat of a fright after a fire broke out in its archives room during the early hours of Friday morning 15 November. Although the supermarket suffered no damage, its storage room containing valuable documentation of more than six years is confirmed to have been burnt.

No injuries were reported and Joburg EMS was quick to arrive on scene to contain the fire, followed by the South African Police Service.

According to representative of Inkwe Security, “A frantic resident contacted the head office and said that the supermarket was on fire. At our arrival at around 4am, we found that smoke was coming from the side of the building and contacted the relevant authorities.”

Owner of Pick n Pay Wilro Park, although low-spirited owing to the incident, is grateful that the supermarket is still standing.

“Fortunately, the fire was contained before it could spread further but at least six years of documentation including invoices, slips, stock listings to name a few is gone.”

He added that business will go on as usual.

“Thank God it did not spread into the store. I want to thank everyone who assisted.”

The cause of the fire is still unknown.


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