Radiokop dustbins left untouched for months

The stench follows you down the road, says resident

RADIOKOP – Overflowing public dustbins neglected by Pikitup have left Radiokop residents disgusted.

A resident of Strutt Street, who preferred not to be named, said that he and his wife walk along the road every afternoon, and he is sick of having himself and his wife subjected to the stench and filth in and around these public bins. “It’s horrible,” he laments. “The smell is so pungent that it seems to follow you as you carry on walking down the road.”

A grandmother who walks home with her grandchildren in Mozart Street says she prefers to avoid these bins at all costs. “They’re always overflowing with rubbish, they smell terrible and they’ve been like that for months.”

Pikitup has been approached regarding the matter and is currently looking into it. Official comment from them is expected to follow soon.

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