Angel’s place receives R10 000 donation

Independent Dealer Association behind kind deed.

Angel’s Place, a safe haven for abused, traumatised and neglected children, recently received a generous financial boost of R10 000 thanks to the Independent Dealer Association (IDA).

During October 2013, the IDA – an association for independently owned motor vehicle dealers – have embarked on a national road show to celebrate their 15th birthday. While their celebrations are in the form of champagne breakfasts for their members to share their future vision, strategic projects and to unveil their new brand, the IDA also has formed the IDA Care Foundation to make donations to various charities identified throughout the country.

Loni George from IDA’s head office in Florida says, “As a responsible corporate, we realise the importance of having a social dividends programme and therefore decided to form the IDA Care Foundation – an approved public benefit organisation (PBO).

“The purpose of the Care Foundation is to fund initiatives focused on improving the lives of the less fortunate in South Africa and more specifically, abused women and children.

“A percentage of revenues generated from products and services offered by our organisation is used to fund the Care Foundation. This is made possible through the support of all our dealer members.

“These are exciting times for the Association, its members and the motor industry. We look forward to an October month filled with celebrations,” she concluded.

More about the IDA:

• In October 1998, a need was recognised to establish an association for independently owned motor vehicle dealers. The challenge was to mobilise their collective energies to create a channel for addressing their needs.

• These independent motor dealers wanted to establish and promote a more viable business environment for the motor industry, ensure that they were being heard and that cognisance was taken of issues that influence their business environment.

• This resulted in the establishment of the Independent Dealer Association. Contact them on 011 288 7300.

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