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Illegal taxi rank dealt with

JMPD removes illegal taxi rank on the corner of Gordon Road and Lange Street

It appears that Quellerina and Bergbron residents have won the fight against the illegal taxi rank on the corner of Gordon Road and Lange Street. In the article, A taxi rank overnight angers residents, week ending 4 October, the Northsider reported Quellerina and Bergbron residents woke up to an illegal rank one morning in early September. Following this, residents have engaged in talks with various bodies as to how to address the issue.

On Friday 11 October Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) officers arrived unannounced at the taxi rank. Office manager of the Operations department at JMPD Henk Coertzer requested drivers produce permits. When they failed to do so, they were instructed to immediately leave the space as their use of the land was illegal and they thus had no authorisation to be the there.

Taxi drivers did not resist however expressed rage at the fact that they had been duped by an individual who alleged he owned the land and had been charging them rent. Drivers reported the individual fled upon JMPD’s arrival.

Coertze explained to the drivers that without following the proper producers, they could not make use of council land. He advised drivers to contact his office to apply for proper documentation that would that enable them to operate legally.

He also highlighted that drivers were not in possession of the necessary documentation permitting them to use the routes they are currently travelling on. “Operating without a route permit is what leads to taxi violence because there is no proper control of which association is to operate in the area,” Coertze said.

JMPD had been monitoring the illegal taxi rank for a week before taking action. According to Coertze he and his team ”were busy studying their trends and operation.” No taxis were impounded, but drivers were warmed should they be found back on the land their taxis would indeed be impounded.

Following their eviction, several drivers tried to use the filling station close to the land as a taxi rank, but were quickly warned by JMPD. The station’s owner has been advised not to allow drivers to make use of his station. JMPD is monitoring the entire area and have stated that any taxi found to be making use of land illegally will be impounded.

More than 200 complaints concerning the taxi rank have been received by Coertze’s office. With no toilet facilities, the area was strewn with litter, there were numerous loiterers, and people were seen to be urinating. In addition, crime was a major concern, and although there are no definite statistics, Coertze stated that an illegal taxi rank of this nature always results in an increase in crime.

Chairperson of Security in Practice Louis Grobler said they were happy with the wonderful work JMPD did in dealing with the illegal taxi rank. “As residents we feel that we achieved what we wanted to achieve.”

To date, no taxi drivers have contacted Coertze’s office to request assistance in acquiring the correct documentation.

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