
Discovery Primary goes Disney

Grade 1 to 7 pupils entertain 40+ elderly residents in their opening show.

They say laughing is the best medicine and that is exactly what a group of elderly residents from three different old age homes received when they were invited to the opening show of Discovery Primary School’s 2013 concert.

According to the principal of the school, Raymond Peters, “It was little deed to celebrate the elder folks, considering it was the Week of Care for the Aged/ or Week of Older Persons in SA (25 September to1 October)”.

Furthermore Raymond says, “Approximately 40 elderly residents from the Huis vir Bejaardes, Roodepoort Sentrum vir Bejaardes and an old age home from Braamfisherville came to enjoy an entertaining concert”.

He urges parents and family not to miss out on the upcoming performances on Tuesday 8, Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 October at 7pm.

“The concert is about Discovery going Disney and we ask for family and parents to support us. The concert also serves as a fundraiser for our school.”

The concert consists of cutely dressed Grade 1 to Grade 7 pupils who sing and dance along to various Disney classics such as Snow White (Grade 1), Winnie the Pooh (Grade 2), Lion King (Grade 3), Pinocchio (Grade 4), Jungle Book and The Three Little Pigs (Grade 5), Mickey Mouse (Grade 6) and Mary Poppins (Grade 7), which will be followed by a very cute musical by the school choir with songs such as There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow and A Whole New World from the famous movie, Aladdin.


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