Update: “I was in a state” — Lizette Delport

The Delports have a possible solution to their homelessness, Joburg EMS still to confirm the cause of the fire.

Lizette Delport, victim of a random fire that broke out on Tuesday in her Mercia Court flat, have not yet returned to the scene of the incident.

“I haven’t been there since the fire was extinguished yesterday, I didn’t want to be.

“I was in a state.”

Although Joburg EMS could not yet confirm the cause of the fire that was at its peak just after 11am on Tuesday, Delport confirms that they are to return to the flat on Wednesday 2 October for further inspection.

“Hopefully after today, we can determine the cause of the incident and I would have determined what exactly I need to replace immediately.”

Delport confirmed that she doesn’t have her home or personal goods insured.

Mercia Court management and caretaker Bettie Weyers have suggested the Delports use an empty flat in the Court in the meanwhile, but this is yet to be confirmed with the owner of the property. The Delports spent Tuesday night at a family friend’s house.

Lizette has three children but confirmed that only two of the children are staying with her currently. While her teenage daughter attends school in Krugersdorp her infant son spends his day at a crèche in Witpoortjie. Her eldest son is overseas.

“Many people have offered their help but I cannot confirm what I need until today’s investigation is over with.

“Thank you to everyone who have offered their help to us.”

The Record reported on Tuesday that residents had to try and control the fire themselves as they awaited emergency services’ arrival. Joburg EMS spokesperson, Robert Mulaudzi, could not yet comment on their response time of approximately an hour after the call was made.

Any person that can offer help to the Delports can contact Lizette on 074 304 5144.


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