
Local resident shooting for DA’s Gauteng premiership

Hot on the heals of MPL (Member of Provincial Legislature) Jack Bloom’s announcement, local resident, DA national spokesperson and political wonderboy, Mmusi Maimane announced his candidacy for the DA’s Gauteng premiership on 31 July. This was also the closing date for members who wish to stand as candidates, and the result of the electoral college …

Hot on the heals of MPL (Member of Provincial Legislature) Jack Bloom’s announcement, local resident, DA national spokesperson and political wonderboy, Mmusi Maimane announced his candidacy for the DA’s Gauteng premiership on 31 July.

This was also the closing date for members who wish to stand as candidates, and the result of the electoral college will be announced on 9 August.

In an impassioned speech Maimane said that he was “humbled, because 20 years ago, no one would have said it would be possible for me to stand here today. They would have said it was impossible.”

“They would have said it was impossible, because I am a young black man. They would have said it was impossible, because I am from Soweto. They would have said it was impossible, because I am the son of a migrant worker father from North West and a migrant worker mother from the Eastern Cape.

“But the DA is here to say that what once seemed impossible – can become a reality. It is possible for each and every South African to reach for their dreams, and live the lives they want to,” Maimane continued.

Maimane also gave his own reasons why the people have lost faith in the government.

“They stop believing, because President Zuma spends R240 million on his house, instead of building houses for South Africans.

“They stop believing, because our police take bribes while women and children are being raped.

“They stop believing because the people in government care more about enriching themselves and their families than helping the people.

“They stop believing because we are no longer addressing the economic legacy of apartheid. More South Africans are unemployed than ever before. The difference between the rich and the poor is bigger than ever before.

“They stop believing because they see corruption everywhere in government.

“People have stopped believing, and lost hope, because we are moving in the wrong direction. There are fewer jobs because President Zuma governs only for himself and his friends and family. As government becomes more corrupt, poor people are becoming poorer,” said Maimane.

Maimane said that his mission was to continue the struggle for a better life for all, and restore people’s belief in a better future. He said that by believing the DA can win the 2014 elections.

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