Drugs confiscated at West Ridge High

One pupil (17) arrested.

Drugs as well as a knife are among the many items confiscated by police following a drug raid at West Ridge High School on Wednesday morning 31 July.

Roodepoort South African Police Service (SAPS) spokesperson Colonel Chris Wilken confirmed that police confiscated 18 sticks of dagga, a knife, six cigarette lighters as well as few pairs of scissors after searching at least 18 classrooms.

A total of nine SAPS, four Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) officers, six members of the Roodepoort Youth Desk and a representative of the Department of Community Safety in Gauteng were involved in the bust.

“We arrested a 17-year-old pupil who was in possession of drugs. He will be taken to the police station where he will be released in his parents’ custody.”

A reliable source told the Record, “At least seven pupils in Grades 8 to 10 were caught and taken to the principal’s office”.

The raid was said to be pre-planned and educators knew beforehand. These pupils are believed to be regular offenders and claim they deal in drugs to make money to buy textbooks.

“We are a government school and textbooks are free,” the source told the Record.

“Drug awareness is countrywide; and we will be identifying other schools in the area at any given time,” Wilken concluded.

The drugs that were confiscated by police during the raid.
JMPD officers on the school premises.


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