Northside TV presenter takes the world by storm

Since playing the lead in his primary school play, acting in many television advertisements as a child, and being a Y TV presenter since the age of ten ,Allen’s Neck resident Byron Taylor always wanted to become a film director. Now, with his travel show Travelling Unplugged, of which the first six episodes have already aired on Top TV, he has been granted the platform to produce.

Byron (27), who describes himself an artist with a love for simplicity, converted the cottage he calls home – and shares with his fiancée Meagen Buys – into a studio and describes it as the place where all television-producing magic starts.

The cottage is filled with videotapes from his overseas journeys, editing equipment, memorabilia from his visits around the world and various books about travelling.
“I want to emphasise that we only have one life, and we’ve got to make the best of it.

Unplugged focusses on just that – getting rid of the things that hold us back.” The series also describes the way he filmed his show – on his own, no crew accompanied him.   In his Grade Nine year he was home-schooled, giving him the opportunity to finish school a year ahead of his peers.

In 2004 he went on a tour visiting countries like India, New Zealand and England. His mother suggested that he take a video camera along – “to build memories for himself”. He returned to South Africa in 2005, and the tapes from his journeys went into a drawer.

“In 2006 I had a light bulb moment, thinking that the material could be used for a series. I pitched the idea of a television series to a television producer. The producer suggested co-producing a television show. I agreed to one episode, and with that finished episode we went to Sithengi Films in Cape Town.
After screening the series, a television station in the Netherlands showed interest in 13 episodes. These episodes were  produced and delivered.” Thereafter, Byron began a business degree, and  worked on the 14th to the 22nd episode of the series.
In 2011 he visited his sister in New Zealand. By the time he returned he got word that TVNZ, Dogan TV in Turkey, Top TV and Sun Channel in Latin America had purchased the show.
“This has been such an incredible journey. There were times when I felt discouraged, but I am so glad I stuck to it. My parents have been so incredibly supportive.”
And the journey continues: Next year he and his fiancée, after their wedding in January, will travel to various parts of the world, and this will constitute the second season of Travelling Unplugged.


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