
ICE’s tips to keep safe

ICE provides safety tips and precautions

Luqmaan Rahim of ICE (In Case of Emergency) provides safety tips and precautions for residents. Note that these tips are not just for Florida residents, they can apply to anyone.

• Always check that your gate is closed after pulling into or out of your premises.

• Do not leave toys and garden equipment lying outside; it invites problems.

• Leave outside lights on. A house in darkness is more likely to be targeted than a well-lit house.

• Be vigilant about cars parked in your road. You may report them to the sector police.

• If your alarm sounds at night, do not switch it off immediately. Wait for help, then switch it off. This will help us to find you in case of emergency. Only turn your alarm off if you are sure it is a false alarm.

• If your children and their friends park outside, please advise them of the dangers we face on a daily basis. Rather park inside, behind closed gates.

• Know where your children are. On a daily basis we find young girls and boys around the drug-dealer hotspots. Other than the drug problem, Rahim is concerned about young girls being kidnapped and taken away (this happens).

• When withdrawing money at ATMs be alert. If someone approaches you, cancel and remove your card. If you see a screen asking you for a cellphone number on the ATM, press cancel immediately. It is a scam.

• If your house lights are cut from outside, do not go out to check. Instead call for help. It may be a set-up strategy to rob you.

• When your garden service is at your premises, do not open the entire gate. Only leave enough space for one lawnmower to pass through. Keep your house gates locked at all times.

• Park your car in a well-lit area if it is parked outside.

• When dogs are barking continuously, please go and check from your windows. Dogs are a good indication of an intruder in your yard. Sometimes criminals will interfere with the dogs and hide until you ignore the dogs. This is when they strike.

• Criminals interfere with alarm systems all the time. Do not leave your alarm system off because you think it is faulty. This is how they operate. They check your response times, as well as who responds to your alarm, when and how.

• There is no such thing as a false alarm. If you are experiencing a problem with your alarm system then get it fixed. If not, there never can be a false alarm.

• Do not leave bricks lying around in your yard as thieves will use them to their advantage.

Rahim’s emergency patrol phone number for Florida residents is 084 455 5444.

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