Confusion reigns over street names

Residents upset over changing of street names.

For most residents it seem that the changig of certain street names, such as Kathleen in Florida to Albertina Sisulu, happened overnight.

The public’s response also was immediate and so far that of dismay, with most being upset over the fact that they were not informed.

Some of the issues that were raised include:

• The public and Councillor were not properly informed.

• What the real cost of the project is.

• The logistics of address duplication. (For example, 10 Lola Street and 10 Kathleen Street will now both be 10 Albertina Sisulu Street.)

• Businesses will have to redo stationary etc.

• Whether the name change is justified in terms of the criteria for street name changes.

• Whether there are going to be more street name changes.

The Record posed these concerns to City of Johannesburg’s Director of Communications, Gabu Tugwane and the spokesperson for Departments, Nthatisi Modingoane.

Tugwane admitted that to the best of his recollection he can not remember if it was advertised in the Record, but said that he will investigate the matter.

The Record is awaiting comment on the above-mentioned issues.

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