
Vigilant efforts lead to successful arrest of suspected burglar

By working together to fight crime, communities and law enforcement can do more and ensure safer neighbourhoods.

An attempted break-in at a complex in Radiokop was stopped on the evening of September 7 due to the timely action of CPF patrollers.

According to the Honeydew CPF public relations officer Michael Steyn, an intruder tried to break in through the gate and when the security alarm system went off, its loudness led to the suspect fleeing the scene.

Steyn said the body corporate of the complex quickly went over security footage and sent a picture of the assailant to neighbourhood patrol officers for them to be on the lookout for the suspect.

“While driving around in the area, one of our patrol vehicles spotted the suspect and requested assistance from security companies and police. The swift and co-ordinated response of the patrollers, combined with the support from security companies and police ensured that the criminal was removed from the public and arrested. After the police reviewed the footage, they decided to take the suspect to the station for further investigations and profiling,” he expressed.

At the police station, it was revealed that the suspect had multiple cases against him and that there was a warrant of arrest out for him.

“This is indeed a great success for the patrollers,” Steyn added.

This latest success highlights the importance of vigilance and co-operation between residents, local patrol teams and law enforcement agencies.

“By working together, the community has once again shown that criminal elements have little room to operate within their borders. Well done to our vigilant patrollers and for making sure another bad element is off the street for now,” he concluded.

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