
Florida police take down robbers

Fast thinking Florida police officers ensured that two would-be house robbers are behind bars.

Two perpetrators have found themselves behind bars thanks to the diligence of Florida police officers after a foiled house burglary attempt on Monday, August 26.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Sipho Dlamini, an officer from the Florida Crime Information Management Centre, Sergeant Lungile Kunene was on patrol in Arcadia Street, Discovery, when he noticed suspicious movement at a house as he passed it.

“He reversed his car to take a second look and got out when he heard a woman scream,” says Dlamini.

“Kunene immediately drew his weapon and announced himself as a police officer, whereupon three people jumped into a white Ford Fiesta parked outside the house facing the street, and pulled away at speed – going straight at him.

“He managed to fire one shot at the approaching vehicle after which it swung out of the way. He managed a further two shots aimed at the wheels as it passed him.”

Back: Constable Jacob Malusale, Sergeant Lungile Kunene and Sergeant Mohula Disele. Front: Sergeant Kenneth Bok and Sergeant Kgosi Magetse.

Kunene rushed to assist the resident who had screamed and sent out a BOLO to patrolling Vispol officers.

It turns out that the resident had gotten in her vehicle and opened her garage to go into town when she was approached by three perpetrators who grabbed her house and car keys and tried to force her out of the car. She shouted and luckily, Kunene heard her.

“Our officers, armed with a description of the vehicle and the suspects, took to the streets of Florida and managed to locate the vehicle in Church Street where it was abandoned just minutes before.”

During a search of the surrounding area, the fleeing suspects were spotted and officers set out in pursuit, managing to arrest two of the suspects, aged 33 and 39.

Upon searching the getaway vehicle, they found the victim’s house and car keys and various housebreaking implements.

“I am happy to report that no one was injured during the incident and that two would-be criminals are off the streets,” he adds.

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