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Mandela Day at baby sanctuary leaves lasting impact

Two NPOs spread love and kindness on Mandela Day by visiting a baby sanctuary.

Impact Africa collaborated with JVR Africa to spread love and care to vulnerable children in honour of Mandela Day at Lonehill Promise Home.

JVR Africa generously gathered essential items from Impact Africa’s needs list which included nappies, clothes, blankets, teddy bears, baby formula and cereal, among others. The team then visited Impact Africa’s homes, where they spent quality time with the children, getting to know them and learning about the organisation’s mission.

Este de Beer and Michelle Fourie. Photo: Supplied.

The visit was a heartwarming experience for both parties, as JVR Africa’s team was able to show love and care to the little ones, while Impact Africa’s staff and children were grateful for their generosity and support.

Bongumusa Nkosi. Photo: Supplied.

Michelle Franzen, co-owner of Impact Africa, emphasised to the Roodepoort Northsider that these regular visits are not only done for Mandela Day but are done regularly to make sure the babies are taken care of.

Denise Siwele. Photo: Supplied.

“Working together with JVR Africa demonstrates commitment to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps and create positive change in their communities.

“It’s important for us to remember that giving back can make a huge impact on those around us,” Michelle added.

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