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Diagnosed as morbidly obese, Carli loses 60kg

Women speaks about how she lost 60kg of her weight.

Carli van Niekerk’s remarkable transformation has captured the hearts of many, and she courageously shared her inspiring story with the Roodepoort Northsider about how she lost over 60kg after she saw herself staring down a path she did not like.

According to statistics revealed by the South African government, in 2022, roughly 31% of men and 68% of women in the country are obese. These concerning statistics can lead to a range of lifestyle diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

Speaking to the Northsider, Carli mentioned that she did not grow up as a chubby child, but due to poor lifestyle choices and hormonal issues, she picked up a lot of weight in her 20s and early 30s, and she was diagnosed as morbidly obese at the age of 34.

Carli van Niekerk before she started her weight loss journey. Photo: Supplied.

“During that time, I have tried different diets, and I was looking for a quick fix. I would lose some weight, but then the weight would come back two times more.

“The breaking point for me was actually on a random day in 2011 when I was sitting down and watching my husband and kids play. I couldn’t do that because I was obese. I didn’t have energy, and I was physically unable to join them and be part of their lives, and I realised I was living my life as a spectator,” she said.

After having many failed attempts with diets and being on the verge of becoming diabetic, Carli decided to undergo gastritis and gastropathy surgery.

Even though she said this is not the only way to lose weight, it highly improved her lifestyle and her mindset. She has lost half her weight, completed two Comrades Marathons and participates in the weekly parkrun.

She wishes to encourage others who might wish to make that lifestyle choice to start small and challenge themselves to do better.

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