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LIFCO members clean local dam

LIFCO residents association members worked tirelessly on Saturday morning to remove dead roots and invasive reeds from a local dam.

Members of the Little Falls and Strubens Valley Community Forum, better known as LIFCO, descended on The Lake Park, a popular dam in Little Falls on Saturday morning in an effort to rid the dam of invasive reeds.

According to LIFCO chairperson Claire Fauchet work at the dam has been ongoing, and there is a lot more to be done.

“There are a number of problems that need attending to,” she says. “Regular sewage leaks upstream have created ideal conditions for reeds to flourish here. While the sewage problems seem to have been dealt with for now, the reeds persist and threaten to completely take over.”

LIFCO chairperson, Claire Fauchet.

Clair says that LIFCO has big plans for the dam. “This is a lovely and safe open space right in the heart of Little Falls. Our residents deserve to be able to utilize this space. It is popular with people walking their dogs, or just going for a stroll. “

Thandile Meyiswa raking dead roots from the dam.

The dam has been in the news in the past for all the wrong reasons and LIFCO aims to change that. “This is one of the few safe open spaces in thew area, and it is well worth investing our time and resources to ensure that it remains preserved for the local community.”

Saturday morning saw small but dedicated group of people fishing reeds out of the dam. Armed with rakes and other implements, residents removed a large amount of reeds and roots from the water.

Admire Moyo with just one of the many wheelbarrows full of roots and reeds removed from the dam.

Being covered head to toe in mud did not seem to dampen the spirits of the gathered residents as they filled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of reeds and rotten roots from the water.

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