
First day at Snuggles

Junior Colleges Snuggles welcomed their 2024 learners in fun fashion.

The halls of Junior Colleges Snuggles were buzzing with excitement and giggles as they opened their doors for the first week of the new school year.

Eager young minds, accompanied by hopeful parents, stepped into a world of colourful possibilities and new friendships.

This week marked not only the beginning of an educational journey for these children but also a milestone for many families in Snuggles.

“It’s a big step for them but seeing how happy and engaged they are here makes it all worth it,” said Chandre Wax, a parent of one of the learners.

The school, known for its innovative and child-centric approach, had everything in place to welcome its young attendees. From interactive learning corners to a well-equipped outdoor playground. Every detail was tailored to stimulate curiosity and foster a love for learning.

The week was packed with activities designed to ease the children into their new routines. Storytelling sessions, music hours, and creative arts projects were some of the highlights.

“Our goal is to make learning fun and help each child feel comfortable and confident in this new environment,” explained Megan Hunt, the preschool’s principal.

As the first week came to a close, both teachers and parents were filled with optimism. The journey has just begun, but the laughter and joy echoing on the playground of the preschool are signs of the wonderful experiences that lie ahead for these young learners.

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