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Honeydew police and RiverWel Residents Association sharpening the awareness of domestic workers

Social Crime Prevention unit gives a presentation on the best ways to stay safe while working and commuting.

Prepared awareness can be a vital barrier against loss and harm.

Officers from Honeydew police’s Social Crime Prevention unit and the RiverWel Residents Association bolstered their first line of defence, on August 17. The officers engaged with domestic workers in Rooitou Park to remind them of the responsibilities and potential dangers of their employment.

CSS’ David Mokgotso with Sector Manager Sergeant Nemaguvhuni. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale.

Police noted how domestic workers and gardeners are often exploited by criminals to gain access to a property or gather information on residents. When alone or commuting to and from their place of employment, home employees can often become targets or victims of crime. Police handed out a long list of safety tips and reminded employees not to post photos of themselves at work and to not advertise the homes of their employers.

RiverWel’s Neville Burnett, Trevor Richardson and Kevin Thomson. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale.

Community Support Services (CSS) is one of RiverWel’s preferred private security operators and their staff was in attendance to promote added reliance on the private sector. Domestic workers were urged to familiarise themselves with the colours and logos of the various security companies, ask for the names of attending reaction officers, and have the phone numbers of the security company on their phones.

When commuting, domestic workers were urged not to wear earphones while walking in the street and to not expose their mobile phones while walking.

Here are other safety tips issued by police for domestic workers:

– Ensure all doors and locked and windows are secured when home alone
– Phone your employer first before allowing those claiming to be workers or technicians on the property
– Do not go out to the gate when someone is pressing the intercom. Communicate via the intercom or through a window
– Check the street and close the gate immediately when removing or bringing in the refuse bin
– Call the security company immediately if you see suspicious activity or persons
– Do not leave keys in the door and locks
– Carry a panic button at all times
– Have an emergency number and the address readily available in case of an emergency
– Do not trust anyone and do not give out any information about the property or employer

Tips for residents to prevent house robbery and housebreaking:

– Have your security company’s phone number on speed dial
– Make provision for good outdoor lighting
– Do not leave your gates, garage, front or back door open as it serves as an invitation to burglars
– Never open the door without confirming the identity of the visitor
– Do not go outside if you hear noises or your alarm goes off
– Do background checks on potential employees and keep a copy of their ID
– Scan the street and area around your home for possible loiterers when approaching your home on foot or by car
– Do not leave spare keys under mats or pot plants and remove keys from doors once locked
– Do not openly display packaging for recently purchased luxury appliances or technology
– Give domestic workers a panic button
– Know your neighbours and build relationships of trust and support

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