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Baby found in plastic bag is doing well at local baby sanctuary

Angel was only a few hours old when she was found, with her umbilical cord and the placenta still intact, but she is doing fine now.

Georgina Caetano, founder of Just In Time Baby Sanctuary, recently welcomed a new baby to her house after she was found in a shopping bag.

On 17 July, a couple discovered a shopping bag ‘strategically placed’ in the road, they then phoned the police who took the baby to the doctor after which a social worker came, who then contacted Caetano.

“I think the mother’s intention was for the baby to be found. She didn’t hide her away, she didn’t throw her in the dustbin. She left her on a pathway, on the side of a road where she knew there would be passersby,” Caentano said.

She believes the reason baby Angel was left where she was is because the mother was unaware of baby savers available to her. She adds that baby savers don’t promote abandonment, but rather give mothers a safer option rather than leaving a baby on the side of the road. She notes abandonment doesn’t simply happen due to poverty, but there are many other reasons including rape, prostitution, incest, and underage mothers who have to hide it from their parents.

She continues to say in Angel’s case she believes her mother was still a child herself as the shirt she was wrapped in suggests the mother might be a teenager. She adds the fact that the umbilical cord as well as the placenta was still attached to Angel also suggests the mother was probably alone and did not know what to do.

Caetano concluded that Angel is doing fine and is now safe with them.

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