Editor's noteLetters

Sayings moms are famous for

Some phrases used by our mothers will forever be etched into our memories, ready to be passed down to each new generation.

Our lives revolve around making memories. Some of these memories we might not want to remember at all, but some are so good we want to cherish them forever.

It is true that we do spend time reliving all our memories every day, but every now and again something happens, or you hear a certain song or phrase, and long forgotten memories might come flooding back. These types of memories are usually from our childhood, and most often than not, involves something our mom or dad said or did, which will cause us to pause for a bit and reminisce about that specific memory.

I have often used a phrase or saying, and when asked where I heard that, my answer is usually, ”My mom used to say this …”

Some of the phrases or sayings are so universal, we could say that they were passed down from generation to generation, meaning almost every child can confidently say, ”My mother used to say that too!”

To test this theory, I went on an internet search to see if it is indeed the case, and to quote Adam Sandler’s character from the movie Water Boy, ”My mama says:”

• What part of ‘NO’ did you not understand?
• Money doesn’t grow on trees
• Your face will stay like that!
• Beds are for sleeping, not jumping on
• Don’t sit so close to the TV, you will get square eyes
• Because I said so … that’s why!
• If someone told you to jump off a cliff, would you?
• Who’s ‘she’, the cat’s mother?
• Do what I say, not what I do

Have some phrases/ sayings to share? I would love to read them! Send an email to adeleb@caxton.co.za

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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