Editor's noteLettersOpinion

Charity begins at home

We cannot make a difference in everyone’s life every day, we can do something every day to make a difference in one person’s life.

I can’t believe it is July again already and that there are only five months left of 2022.

July is not only known for the cold winter days and nights, but it is also the month that brings out the charitable spirit in us all as it is also the month we celebrate Mandela Day.

Even though it is only the beginning of July, I have already started to notice the various posts from people from all walks of life either requesting assistance or offering assistance through carefully planned projects, and I quickly realised that this Mandela Day will once again be one filled to the brim with a myriad of events to attend.

Once again, I could not help but wonder, ‘Why wait for this specific day to want to make a difference?’

As I was surfing the internet, my eye caughta quote, from the former president’s widow, Graça Machel that hit the nail on the head:

She said, “Let us not look at Mandela Day as an event that we will be part of every year, a pledge for the whole year that goes beyond one’s daily activities. Decide what is the difference I can make to people over the year so that it can become a way of being, not just an event.”

As I sat behind my desk, I came close to applauding her loudly, because that is exactly how I feel.

It is all good and well to help those in need, and attach a name to it, but what happens to them the other 364 days of the year? Are they not homeless any more? Do they stop being hungry or cold? Do they now suddenly have more than enough to carry them through to the next year’s Mandela Day?

The answer is a resounding ‘No’. Those who are in need, need assistance every day of the year. So, my suggestion is, do not follow the masses and only offer your help, compassion and empathy for one day. Be different.

Even though it is said that we cannot make a difference in everyone’s life every day, we can do something every day to make a difference in one person’s life.

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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