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Abuse victim shares her journey to redemption

Aladia believes that when women support each other, incredible things happen. Her Facebook page Making HerStory is a platform that allows women to share their struggles, ask for support and offer guidance to those who require it.

It takes courage for survivors of abuse or domestic violence to share their story with anyone. However, it’s very important to remind the community to never underestimate their power to affect the course of a survivor’s healing journey.

If someone shares their experience with you, you’re probably a person they look to for support, compassion and guidance, although what transpired cannot be taken away.

Aladia Mahomed was in two abusive relationships, one of which was a marriage of 22 years.

In an interview with the Northsider at her Indian-inspired restaurant, this local woman explained how the physical abuse she had suffered quickly escalated to emotional and financial abuse.

Aladia said she started picking up the same traits as her abuser as a coping mechanism because she got to a point where she couldn’t stand the sound of his voice.

According to Aladia she endured in her past two relationships because of her belief that everyone has some good in them. Trying to fix people while understanding their behaviour actually put her in a situation where she had to defend herself and be an abuser herself.

“I found myself in situations where I became totally hysterical. A few times I tried to jump out of moving vehicles just to get away from my abuser,” said Aladia.

She admitted to having broken a few items, shouting and even attempting suicide just to escape her reality.

Despite all of these challenges she still managed to become a successful entrepreneur and she even featured on many platforms such as Kickass Bosslady Magazine, FNB, ENCA, and the Red Corner Show with Shamila Ramjawan for her business.

Survivors often may feel that what happened to them was their fault, but Aladia had also done well in reaching out to women who were in similar situations and helped those who were often bombarded with victim-blaming myths and attitudes in the community.

“Last December was my breaking point; I refused to be a hypocrite and decided to leave for my own peace of mind,” said Aladia.

She believes that when women support each other, incredible things happen. Her Facebook page Making HerStory is a platform that allows women to share their struggles, ask for support and offer guidance to those who require it.

Members of the public who would like to get in touch with Aladia are advised to contact her on 078 912 4011 or email aladiam786@gmail.com.

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