
What will you be gifting this Christmas?

A lot of our year-end plans are now in limbo, and we will have to, yet again, adapt and adjust our plans. One thing that does not change about Christmas though, is the tradition of gift-giving.

Believe it or not, 2021 is almost over, and we only have three weeks left until Christmas.

This made me think about how we will be spending our holidays and Christmas this year, especially after the discovery of yet another new Covid-19 variant which is causing a lot of uncertainty and anxiety in every South African right now. A lot of our year-end plans are now in limbo, and we will have to, yet again, adapt and adjust our plans.

One thing that does not change about Christmas though, is the tradition of gift-giving. Yes, I know it is not all about the gifts, but let’s face it, it is always nice to receive something that was picked out just for you. Some people might say ‘it is the thought that counts’, but that is just a way to excuse bad or lazy gift-giving. It is also not money that makes the gift special, it is the thoughtfulness that distinguishes the so-so gift from a great one.
So, in an attempt to help make Christmas (and gift-giving) a tad easier, here are some gift ideas that won’t break the bank:

• Grab 12 envelopes, and in each one slip a piece of paper with plans for a free date/ outing you can do together that month. At the start of each month in the new year, open the envelope to see what fun lies ahead.

• Weather, and Covid-19 restrictions permitting, check out some of the festive holiday lights in your area. It’s not only free and super festive, but a great way to get some fresh air.

• Want to design a beautiful, custom calendar for a friend, family member, or special someone? Let your creative juices flow and print a unique calendar that can be decorated by the recipient. Add some coloured pencils, tie it together with any leftover ribbon you have from gift-wrapping, and it’ll be the perfect addition to their home as we approach the new year.

• Give that foodie in your family a gift that they will cherish forever. Collect some family recipes, or any other favourites from friends, print or write them out to create a beautiful (and special) recipe book.

• A few free months of Netflix or Showmax and a bag of popcorn are ideal for those who want to stay current on their favourite shows.

• A mix CD, iTunes gift card, or a month (or two) of Spotify will make them feel extra special and spare them the trauma of having to search for their favourite tracks on various internet sites.

Share your gift ideas with me by sending an email to roodepoortrecord@caxton.co.za/ northside@caxton.co.za.

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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