
Seize every moment

Ayanda Cetywayo from Matholesville writes:

“… the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all”.

As this year begins I would like to encourage you by saying God has given us another opportunity by ushering us into 2021. And the above verse of scripture states that it is not always the strong, nor the mighty, nor the able, nor the gifted that triumphs and makes it in life. For time and chance happens to us all! This means that opportunities will be presented to us; may God grant us the wisdom like the sons of Issachar to be able to discern the times and seasons.

As a wise man once said, “A year cannot make things happen for your, but you can make things happen in a year”. Therefore make most of every opportunity you get with the grace that the Lord has given you. For time wasted cannot be regained!

I must say that at times some of the opportunities presented to us may not come wrapped in a way we are expecting them, therefore may you not despise any and every opportunity presented to you. Take time to unwrap it – it might be your next breakthrough and miracle you have been praying for.

Seize every moment!

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