
An attitude of gratitude

Ayanda Cetywayo from Matholesville writes:

It might happen that you are in the very midst of great adversities, such as financial crisis, health issues, unemployment or finding yourself in unfavourable circumstances.

In all that may you develop an attitude of gratitude! For we don’t give thanks because all is well, but we also give thanks even if things are not going well.

Let me encourage you from the book of 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It states that, “… in the midst of everything be always giving thanks …”

The scripture above encourages us that even in the midst of everything we are facing, let us have a spirit of gratitude. So even if we don’t have all that we desire, we should still thank God, for we may not be where we want to be but we are surely not where we used to be.

The Lord has been with us, He has carried us through the journey thus far and He will still carry us through as we continue walking with Him!

Stay blessed.

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