
AfriForum taking the lead in tackling crime

A severe economic downturn has amplified unemployment, pushing some to pursue criminal acts to sustain themselves.

The weeks and months since the hard lockdown brought with them a surge in crime that has continued unabated.

A severe economic downturn has amplified unemployment, pushing some to pursue criminal acts to sustain themselves. With law-enforcement resources stretched, it becomes increasingly important that communities and interest groups combine to fill the void.

AfriForum held a 165-strong community member mass patrol on Friday, 21 August, sending the message that active citizens will serve as the final barrier against criminal activity. The event brought a record number of attendees and as residents look to fight back against crime, figures are expected to increase.

“Crime-preventive patrols like this one can only be successful if the whole community do their part. It is a privilege to say that this is indeed the case here in Roodepoort. A special word of thanks goes to Carika van Loggerenberg and DK of Blackhawk Risk Intelligence, who organised this large project and ensured its success,” said Dewet Ungerer, District Coordinator for the West Rand.

A host of private security companies, community policing forums, emergency medical responders and concerned citizens all came out in force to form a united front against anyone who fails to obey the law. The patrol concluded without any incidents as criminals presumably opted not to take on the imposing anti-crime force.

Residents who feel helpless against criminality are urged to join their local neighbourhood group or AfriForum’s Roodepoort neighbourhood watch by texting ‘Roodepoort’ to 45341.

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