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Lindhaven man driving the readiness for the fourth industrial revolution

Koketso is passionate about helping young South Africans discover the possibilities of computing.

The national lockdown has brought into heavy focus society’s reliance on technology to fully function. If not for the internet, computers and applications, the absence of real-time information would leave us with a sense of alarming foreboding.

Understanding that this reliance will evolve into what is becoming known as the ‘fourth literacy’ is Koketso Motseothata, also known as KapFresh and the The Coolest Kid in STEM. “If we can read, write and speak then we should definitely know how to code. It teaches innovation, imagination, problem-solving skills and much more,” said Koketso on the advantages of coding.

The 27-year-old holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Software Engineering with endorsed applied mathematics, and has a passion for robotics, data science, machine learning as well as web and game development. “With everything within the fourth industrial revolution and the data revolution, possibilities are endless,” claimed Koketso, excited for the future.

Through his involvement in the Geekulcha Student Society, GirlcodeZA and an upcoming e-sports event, he plans to increase the computer literacy of young South Africans with a multitude of hands-on training programmes. Koketso is a leading light with a bright vision and young South Africans who share that vision are encouraged to reach out to him at koketsomotse.co.za to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution.

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