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Plot 323 receives sanitizers and educational tips about Covid-19

While the most infected are middle-class, Mofokane feared for the worst when the virus hits at the most vulnerable communities.

The cost of hygiene necessities can be extremely damaging to the pockets of many, especially those in disadvantaged communities.

That is why Ward 97 ANC deputy chairperson, Lebo Mofokane and a group of volunteers visited the desperately needy communities in the area to enforce hygiene behaviour amid the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ward 97 ANC deputy chairperson, Lebo Mofokane donates the bottles of hand sanitizers sponsored by the private sector. Photo: Supplied.

On Sunday, 22 March, they visited Plot 323 and Plot 57 to hand over hand sanitizers to the needy dwellers.

“It was a combined sense of goodwill. We want to help each other to get out of this problem,” said Mofokane.

He added that it cannot be the responsibility of government only to protect the citizens, saying, “All hands must be on deck to stop the spread of this pandemic. We are therefore humbly offering our contribution in an effort to prevent coronavirus spreading through SA’s vulnerable communities.”

While the most infected are among the middle class, Mofokane feared for the worst when the virus hits the most vulnerable communities.

Ward 97 ANC deputy chairperson Lebo Mofokane pours the hand sanitizer for the residents of Plot 57. Photo: Supplied.

“It may take a sneeze from infected plot dwellers, who live adjacent to gated, affluent suburban residences to infect them with the coronavirus.

However, statistics show otherwise – the middle class, who have access to private health care, are currently most affected by the illness. So, the opposite may happen and the virus can spread in any direction,” he explained, alluding to his need to take action and educate the people about preventative measures against the virus.

He also cautioned that to help prevent the spread Covid-19, communities need to work with government. “We have to help spread key messages from the World Health Organization (WHO) to all of us – poor and rich people –to practice measures that are critical to slowing down the spread of the virus,” he advised.

The key measures are: staying at home when sick; covering your mouth and nose with your flexed elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and disposing of used tissues immediately; washing hands often with soap and water; and cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects.

Mofokane thanked the private sector for donating 100 litres of hand sanitizer for this worthy cause.

“We call on others in the private sector to join in this initiative to help reduce the spread of the virus. We intend to visit the area bi-weekly to distribute the necessary preventative material and educate people further,” he concluded.

To contribute to the cause, email Mofokane at relebohile@mofokane.co.za.

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