
Open letter to Leah Knott

Residents of Ward 97 write:

Dear Councillor Knott,

As residents of your ward, we find it regrettable to have to communicate in this manner but taking into account the status quo it is unfortunately necessary. In the latter part of 2017, concerns related to various proposed developments in the Green belt were brought to your attention.

This area encompasses sensitive environments, including a Class 2 Granite Ridge, Egoli Grassveld, a wetland and the presence of several Red Data species – for this reason, previously proposed developments dating back to 2003 have been rejected. I&AP (Interested & Affected Parties) requested a meeting with you at the time, but regrettably this was only facilitated months later in the latter part of April 2018.

Towards the end of July, the commencement of activity in the region was noted (surveying followed by tree-felling) and this was brought to your attention. On 8 August 2018, two representatives of the Joburg Environmental Department were briefed on site and undertook to investigate the matter and revert on it – this they failed to do.

On 30 August 2018, a site meeting was held with two members of GDARD. Arising from this site meeting and various pieces of documentation, the passing of this development appears to be HIGHLY irregular with possible implications for the Joburg City Council. Concerns related to this with supporting documentation and photos have been sent to you three times (2 Sept 2018, 12 Nov 2018 and 20 Feb 2019) and NONE of these have solicited the courtesy of a response.

Mindful of the above, we as I&APs and residents in your Ward pose the following questions:

1. Past councillors in this Ward readily engaged in environmental issues, which does not appear to be the case now. We therefore pose the question – What is the DA-led Joburg Council’s, and more specifically, your commitment to environmental issues in the Ward / Region?

2. What action will be taken to address this “irregular” authorisation of this development and when? Attempts to convene a meeting with the Mayor have at the time of writing been unsuccessful. This we believe flies in the face of the Mayor’s commitment to root out possible corruption in Joburg.

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