
Top Allen Glen High School rugby players choose different paths

ALLEN'S NEK – Director of sport at Allen Glen High School, Hennie van Vuuren says the rugby 1st team will not suffer after its two best players leave.

Two outstanding rugby players at Allen Glen High School have spoken about their career choices after completing school.

First team players Milani Makapela (18) and Ethan Scrooby (19) have contributed immensely to the school team over the years and earned full colours. This year, their team won their school league and remained unbeaten.

However, these shooting stars have to sadly hang up their boots at school level at the end of this year.

Makapela, who was encouraged by his father to try rugby, decided to turn his back on the game and focus on pursuing his studies.

“I want to stop with sports and look to further my studies next year. I want to study a bachelor in bio-econometrics,” said the fullback.

Scrooby, the captain of the team, and head boy of the school said he was still determined to continue with the sport and hopes to play for a university or rugby union. “This month we have rugby week provincials so I’m hoping to be scouted by universities or rugby union representatives.,” he said.

“I plan to continue with my rugby career and take it as far as I can.” If rugby did not work out for him, Scrooby added he planned on studying teaching.

READ: Allen Glen’s rugby teams sweep the boards

Hennie van Vuuren, the school’s sports director, paid tribute to both players and described their qualities.

“Ethan has quite a lot of potential,” he said. “He is a sports boy and commits 100 per cent in what he does. He was recognised by Timmy Goodman, the Lions U15 development scout. He also played for Timmy’s development side and is a good leader who leads by example.”

Van Vuuren expressed his sadness at Makapela’s choice to drop rugby. “It’s a pity that Milani is ending his career [because] he is an explosive player with game-changing ability. He is a [player] who could easily play any position.”

He was not concerned about losing two of his best players. “Fortunately we had a few matrics who played for the 1st team and the rest were grade 11 and 10 learners. We also have a strong U16 squad coming next year.”

Details: 011 475 4971.


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