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Wonderful Women’s Day walk

LITTLE FALLS – 4km walk held on Women's Day to get the community together.

Women’s Day (9 August) was the perfect day to get out and get fit. A 4km fun day walk was hosted by the My Neighbour group and BCI Protection Services and was open to anyone of all ages to enjoy the day with a brisk walk under the winter sun.

About 90 walkers came together at the Klein Pikkewyn School donning their tekkies, water bottles and active gear ready to get the walk going. Organiser, Elaine Knoesen said that the walk was a way to get the community together. After finishing the walk, the walkers were treated to an inspiring speech by qualified anger management specialist, transformation and life coach, Natalie Swanepoel, a resident of Wilgeheuwel.

Knoesen explained that prizes will be given to the best-dressed walker as well as the first child to cross the finish line, the best homemade My Neighbour banner and a prize for the last person to cross the finish line.

Knoesen said that money raised will go to My Neighbour in order to help with updates in the community.

The day was enjoyed not only by people of all ages, but some lucky dogs also enjoyed the walk on Women’s Day.

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