
Your daily weather update and random facts

Good Morning!!!!

Here are a few random facts to start your morning off:

Former President Lyndon B. Johnson’s life was saved by a random toilet break
M&M’s turned down product placement in ET
There is a type of mouse that howls to defend its territory
The words “laser” and “radar” were originally acronyms
Men are 23% more likely to be left-handed than women

Your weather forecast for today:

A minimum of 15°C and a maximum of 25°C

Some hazy sun, then clouds moving in; air quality will be unhealthy for sensitive groups

Sunrise: 6:17 AM

Sunset: 6:06 PM

Today in History:

Born on this day:

1948 Al Gore
American politician, 45th Vice President of the United States, Nobel Prize laureate

1927 Cesar Chavez
American activist

1732 Joseph Haydn
Austrian composer

1685 Johann Sebastian Bach
German organist, composer

1596 René Descartes
French philosopher, mathematician

Deaths On This Day – 30 March

2014 Charles Keating
American lawyer, businessman

1980 Jesse Owens
American sprinter

1972 Meena Kumari
Indian actress

1850 John C. Calhoun
American politician, 7th Vice President of the United States

1621 Philip III of Spain

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