
Pupils give with their hearts

WELTEVREDEN PARK -Panorama Primary School pupils and their teachers dig into their pockets to help a child with cerebral palsy.

It is never too early to start with charitable projects that assist members of the community and this is evident with the latest project Panorama Primary School pupils embarked on recently.

The joint effort between the pupils and their teachers is the perfect example that charity begins at home. In less than five days, the teachers and pupils managed to raise R 10 000 which will be used to buy a birthday gift for one-year-old Jackson Da Silva who lives with cerebral palsy.

Da Silva who turned one on Saturday, 9 May lives in Weltevreden Park.

“Each class took a tin to fill up and instantly pupils started donating money. I was so touched that some of these children were even selflessly putting in their monthly pocket money, money the tooth fairy had left them and also putting in their change after buying at the tuck shop,” shared Grade 2 teacher at the school, Leigh Todd. She continued, “I can’t believe how emotionally attached the children have become to Jackson and it just shows how willing children are to help and how kind hearted they are.”

Todd is also a family friend to the Da Silva’s. She explained that Jackson is not able to do things most babies can do. “We take for granted how our children can sit, hold a bottle or hold your hand, crawl, walk , look you in the eyes or even put their arms around you to hug you,” mentioned Todd.

She said that Jackson needs specialised prams,wheelchairs,car seats together with occupational,visual,speech and physiotherapy all of which is costly but necessary. With the money that the school has collected, they plan to buy the one-year-old a specialised chair which costs R 18 000. Jackson’s parents, Sean and Denise Da Silva have reportedly been trying to get the chair which will help him sit, move around and be used for physiotherapy. It is said that they can’t afford the chair as medical expenses are running high. Todd said she was overwhelmed by the response from pupils and teachers at the school.

They are appealing to community members to assist in making their wish of giving Jackson a specialised chair possible. “I would like to thank all the children and teachers at Panorama Primary School for being good human beings and for setting such a great example of kindness and love. Well done to all of you. Without your help, Jackson wouldn’t be as close to getting the help and equipment that he needs to grow,” concluded Todd.

Details: Leigh Todd 082 443 6239, Facebook Lion Heart Jackson Foundation.

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