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It’s not magic, It’s science!

Radiokop - The little ones at junior college Snuggles proved that its never too early to follow in the footsteps of Einstein.

“It’s not magic, it’s science,” shouted the pupils at the Junior College Snuggles Science Fair on 26 of September.

Dozens of pupils decked out a variety of experiments they had tried at home to show of their scientific suave and talents for the judges and parents. From how to make an egg float in water, home-made quick sand, to using solar energy to generate a lego windmill – everyone that attended was left in awe of the creativity shown by the kids.

The children were judges on their creativity, presentation and sources of experiment and with the guidance of their parents they certainly impressed the judges with their creations, which showed dedication and preparation.

Every little scientist looked the part and wore long lab coats, oversized glasses, frizzy hair and a disheveled look.

One parent, Shannon Moodley said, “The kids get to have fun with science. We all learned a lot today from the kids and it enables them to explore their creativity. When they are experimenting at home, we all help out and learn a thing or two.”

Before the fair concluded, judges Megan Hunt, Masetshaba Motsepe and Melissa Lai handed out certificates to all the little participants. They handed out prizes for the third, second and first place and the special one for the best-dressed scientist.

Junior college’s principal Megan Hunt added, “the event began at the other branches and it took off so well that we introduced it to our side. It has been such a pleasure for the teachers, parents and the kids and we all learned so much.”


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