
Welview domestic watch meeting a big success

WELTEVREDEN PARK – Sector 2 manager urges domestic workers to be aware of their surroundings.

The Welview Resident’s Association held its Domestic Watch meeting on 9 September, which was attended by a large number of domestic workers from the area.

The association’s chairperson Annie Pinnock explained that Honeydew Police Sector 2 manager Sergeant Nicholas Makhura led the meeting and helped to inform the domestic workers about the dangers they face every day.

She said, “It is very important for us to educate our staff as they are the ones looking after our children, our homes and pets during the day. They can make the difference in keeping our area secure and safe, not only for themselves, but all community members.”

Makhura gave the workers some safety tips to keep in mind.

“When you are alone at home cleaning, make sure that all of the doors and windows are closed and locked. Do not allow anyone onto the property before you have confirmed with the home owner whether they are expecting anyone like electricians or metre readers,” said Makhura.

He added that the other mistake that domestic workers make is to go out to the gate to talk to people who are ringing the telecom system and this makes them an easy target for the criminals.

“Do not go out, talk over the intercom as this make it harder for the criminals to gain entry to the premises.”

He said domestic workers need to carry a panic button with them at all times and make sure it is not visible by carrying it inside their pockets.

In conclusion, Pinnock announced that the next meeting will take place late in November and the exact date will be released closer to the time.

Details: Annie Pinnock 083 556 7739.

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