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ATM scams are a scary reality

Internet fraud and ATM scams are so scary. I was standing behind a woman at an ATM the other day waiting to draw money, next minute she turned back and looked at me, her face was as white as a sheet. The machine had swallowed her credit card. I could see she started panicking and …

Internet fraud and ATM scams are so scary.

I was standing behind a woman at an ATM the other day waiting to draw money, next minute she turned back and looked at me, her face was as white as a sheet. The machine had swallowed her credit card.

I could see she started panicking and didn’t know what to do. She didn’t have her phone with her and no one at the shop next door could help her. So I gave her my phone and said she should call the bank and get her card blocked, which she did.

I am not sure if any money was stolen from her account because she was able to block her card very quickly, but several people walking passed stopped and said they had been a scam victim at that particular ATM.

This could have been a case of card skimming, where according to First National Bank (FnB), fraudsters use sophisticated devices to steal PIN and card information. In some instances they use hand-held card readers to copy people’s card information, either at point of sale or at the ATM. These devices are small and literally concealed in a criminal’s hand without the person even noticing.

FnB says, “Card skimming with handheld skimming devices in South Africa usually happens when the card leaves the hand of its owner.”

A lady at work told me someone has been debiting R99 from her account for many months and, despite the bank putting a watch on her account, it still happens regularly and no one can do anything about it.

Once the criminals have your information, ID number, card number and PIN, they can do just about anything. Worst of all, you will only know, once money starts disappearing from your account.

I am definitely more vigilant now and I try my best not to draw money anymore.

Have you been a victim of card skimming or fraud?

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