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Steve Hofmeyr takes fans back in time

Steve Hofmeyr entertains a Ramkietjie crowd.

Popular Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr brought his concert Vyf-en-twintig Jaar se Bestes (also the name of his album) to Ramkietjie restaurant in Ruimsig on 28 June. The likes of Pampoen, Agter Elke Man, Die Engele om Ons and Laaste Lag were among the many songs the audience enjoyed, as he performed some of his best-received hits during his 25-year career. He took the audience back to the days of the television series Agter Elke Man in which he played the role of Bruce Beyers in the late 1980s.

While performing, the songs’ music videos were displayed. “And just any of you laugh!” Hofmeyr mockingly warned the audience, referring to the outfits and hairstyles that characterised his early years. Not only did he perform his own music, he also performed songs by various other artists, – “songs that I wish I wrote”, he said. He performed songs by Neil Diamond and Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley, “because we all wanted to be like Elvis Presley”, he remarked.

During Suspicious Minds he ordered everybody to put up their collars and sing. Throughout the concert he expressed his love for the Afrikaans language, his country and the Blue Bull rugby team. He ended off the concert with Die Bloubul, much to the delight of the audience.

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