
It is not the end of the world

When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.

I cannot believe that 2020 is already 31 days old, and that we are getting ready to greet the month of February. It feels like only yesterday when everyone rang in the new year with much excitement, anticipation, resolutions and dreams.

And, as I scroll through my social media feed, two statements caught my eye: “January was only a trial month. My new year officially starts in February”, and “I have already messed up in 2020. 2021 is definitely going to be my year.”

Reading these statements saddens me, as I cannot believe that, after only 31 days of the new year, so many people feel that they are ready to give up because their new year did not pan out as they had wished or hoped.

Don’t get me wrong, these sentiments resonate within me on many levels, but I do not just give up. And, to be honest, I do not think it is because I am such a positive person; it is more because of the fact that I am (sometimes) too dumb to stop trying.

Yes, your January may not have delivered the results you were planning on, hoping for or dreaming of, but, guess what? There are 11 more months left of 2020! Don’t let life knock you down and keep you there. Don’t allow other people’s opinions or negativity discourage you and lead you to believe that there is no second chance or other way out.

When you have not been able to stick to your resolutions, that project you have dreamt about did not realise as you have hoped, or maybe your dream of furthering your studies and gaining more knowledge was not the right path for you, do not despair, just get up and try again! There is a saying that goes, “When life knocks you down seven times, get up eight”.

I am not saying that you are not allowed to feel a bit down or disappointed, but, I am saying that you should not allow yourself to wallow in your failure and let it define you. Don’t subscribe to society’s opinion that, if you failed in January, or have made mistakes, that you will not have a good year. That is simply not the truth!

I will leave you with a powerful message that has always been very motivating to me: “When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars”.

And, after looking at the stars for a while, get up, dust yourself off and grab that second chance and make the most of your life!

Until next week …

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