
My neighbours are very inconsiderate

Fed-up neighbour from Roodepoort writes:

I wonder if there are other folk like me who decided to stay home for the holidays and enjoy peace and quiet once the builders and trades closed for their annual break. Just as I settled down to relax, I found out my neighbour had other plans for me and his other neighbours.

Early one morning, after snuggling down for a bit of a sleep-in, I was surprised by the arrival of a crew of people and a foreman giving instructions, followed by deliveries of building materials. The neighbour’s dogs went crazy, and the owner of the property, clad in his dressing-gown and slippers, came out and issued some more instructions. He then disappeared … for the duration of the build … he’d gone on holiday.

For the duration of the holidays, I was subjected to loud building crews, jack-hammers and more while the owners were probably sipping cocktails on some beach. During this time, the December heat was at its worst and I could not open any windows or doors facing the building site.

I just wonder what makes these inconsiderate people tick? They come back from their relaxing holiday and have no idea that they have shattered the nerves and the ear-drums of their long-suffering neighbours and spoiled what should have been an opportunity for ALL to enjoy some simple peace and quiet. The idea of peace on earth was sadly missing in my neck of the woods due to utterly selfish people who only care about themselves.

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