Thank you for being there for us

Debbie Halters from Roodepoort writes:

Let me just take a moment to compliment the staff at Life Flora Clinic.

I am a regular at Flora Clinic, and as such, most people there know me. When I say I’m a regular, I mean that my allergies are life-threatening. So I no longer go through casualty, but just go straight to reception, and ask them to call Dr Bloy. From the time I walk in there’s always someone to greet me. The staff at reception are friendly, names that stand out are Lucky and Khayriah. The staff that stood out at the surgical ward Section H are: Mina, Ignecia, Jonathan, Olivia, Sister Patricia, Sister Martie, Bongani (physiotherapist) and the sister in charge of the floor (sorry it’s been a long and hectic journey for us, it’s taken me a while to write this letter). Also a huge thank you to a friendly face where I was placed: Angie in Section D.

My husband has diabetes, and he’s been struggling with a foot sore since last year. Unfortunately, it got infected, and his leg was amputated in August/ September. Two days after his operation, I also had to be admitted. Needless to say, I could come and go anytime, whether it was to check up on him or to shower or receive visitors. It [the hospital] has become our home away from home. When I look back at the start of our journey, it started off very bumpy, but when I brought it to Sister Martie’s attention, it was plain-sailing from there on.

Sometimes the nurses must realise that their patients are human beings, they have a family, and as much as they are there to see to their patients’ well-being, they also have to consider the immediate family’s emotional well-being. So yes, the hospital has rules and regulations, but they must give a thought to how their patients’ life and their family’s life is going to change. With a drastic operation like an amputation, there are huge adjustments that need to be made. Some of the reality of my husband’s amputation is still hitting us, every day, in the face. It’s something that nobody can really prepare you for. You can just pray and say thank you for sympathetic staff.

I’d like to also thank the staff at Life Auckland Park. My husband is in the Hope section. He has a team that looks at every aspect of this huge adjustment. They are definitely running like a well-oiled machine, working hand-in-hand with each other. Like I mentioned previously, our journey has just begun, and when I encounter someone who is worth mentioning again, you’ll be hearing from me.

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