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Family overjoyed to have dad back at home

Family thanks community for assistance

A 75-year old man from Fleurhof, who went missing yesterday morning (15 August), has been found and is safe at home with his family.

“We are so grateful that my father is back home. It is a miracle that he was found safe,” said a relieved Wayne Roper.

His father, the 75-year old Arthur Roper, went missing from their Fleurhof residence early yesterday morning (15 August). “We were frantic, as he is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, as well as being a diabetic. We contacted the various community forums, as well as the police,” Wayne said.

According to him, this has happened once before, and since then they have been very careful to make sure his father cannot wander off. “But yesterday morning my niece was in a rush, and battled to lock the front door, as there was a problem with it. This was all it took for my dad to wander off,” he said.

Various social media platforms were buzzing by yesterday afternoon, with Arthur’s photo and details being shared far and wide. “The Florida Community Policing Forum (CPF) were wonderful, as well as the community members. The police were so helpful, and they even offered to send in divers this morning (16 August) to see if my dad had not perhaps fallen into the Fleurhof dam,” an emotional Wayne said.

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According to him, a family friend saw his dad sitting in a park in Coronationville. The friend knows Arthur’s brother, so he picked the old man up. “He knows my dad’s history, and took him to my uncle’s house. My uncle let us know this morning they’d found my dad and he would be bringing him home. Although he is physically unharmed, he will need some medical attention as he did spend most of the night outside. The police paramedics did do a basic assessment, but the family doctor will come a bit later today just to make sure everything is in order,” he said.

Wayne concluded by saying, “From the family’s side, we just want to thank everyone, from the community members, to the various CPFs and the police members who all went out of their way to help find my dad. We really appreciate each and everyone’s contribution.”

Do you perhaps have more information pertaining to this story? Email us at roodepoortrecord@caxton.co.za (remember to include your contact details) or phone us on 011 955 1130.

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