Editor's choiceMunicipalNews

City addresses service delivery issues

Florida CBD receives much-needed attention

A variety of service delivery issues were addressed during an Integrated Community Outreach Programme facilitated by the Citizen Relationship and Urban Management department of the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) on 12 June.

“As ward councillor, I welcome this initiative and am excited to see the improvements in the ward,” said Caleb Finn, the councillor for Ward 70.

The entities that took part in the day’s activities included the Johannesburg Roads Agency, Pikitup, Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo, Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department, Disaster Management Services and Westview Clinic.

Some of the issues addressed included repairing of potholes, tree-pruning, grass-cutting, security risk assessment and by-law management. “This is a concentrated effort by the city where they address delayed service delivery issues that have been raised by residents. This is one of the measures used by them to catch up on backlogged issues, in an attempt to resolve them,” Caleb said.

The staff from Westview Clinic used the opportunity to raise general awareness about drug abuse and the help available. “We are happy to partner with the CoJ to get our message across, especially in this area, which is a known drug hot-spot,” said Anthea Barriel, the clinic’s public relations manager.

“I realise that there are many service delivery issues in my ward, especially in the CBD, that need to be addressed, but this initiative is definitely a step in the right direction,” Caleb said at the end of the meeting.

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