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Daylight robbery

Watch as an illegal connection is made in broad daylight

A classic case of daylight robbery recently took place at the Princess informal settlement.

André Labuschagné, a Witpoortjie resident, was travelling along Albertina Sisulu Road when he saw an illegal connection being made – in broad daylight.

He stopped across the road and took a photo of the person busy making the connection, and also captured some video footage.

The councillor for Ward 85, Carl Mann, was contacted for comment.

He said that he had reported these connections to both the City of Johannesburg Municipality and City Power numerous times.

“This is an ongoing issue and until the proper infrastructure is put in place it will not change for the better. We cannot only blame the residents from the informal settlement for doing this, the previous administrations should also shoulder some of it for allowing this to happen. The new administration already has plans in place to address these issues, but it will take time as such a big operation is not easily organised,” he said.

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