
Same stupid mistakes repeats itself

Sonny John Radinne from Roodepoort North writes: I am a resident of Roodepoort North, that is paying rates and taxes every month. However, I want to express my out most disgust about the contractors that are busy with the installation of pipes in my area. Since the project start we are constantly experiencing power outages …

Sonny John Radinne from Roodepoort North writes:

I am a resident of Roodepoort North, that is paying rates and taxes every month. However, I want to express my out most disgust about the contractors that are busy with the installation of pipes in my area. Since the project start we are constantly experiencing power outages because of the incompetency of the people working in my area.

A month ago when the project started in Roodepoort North, more especially in 6th Avenue, we stayed without electricity for from Friday until Sunday – around 15 hours. Today (12 August) the same stupid mistake is repeating itself, in 6th Avenue next to Rank 5 we are without electricity since 9am.

No overlooking the unclosed open holes that can endanger anyone more especial our children. Can City Power kindly have a discussion with the project manager of this project.

I want to even highlight the wall structures in our yards that are falling after they have worked there. This thing of awarding tender to contractors that don’t have skills, knowledge and work ethics should stop.

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