
Where is your humanity?

What are Roodepoorters becoming? How ungodly are our people are in South Africa. Where is their humaneness, caring? Erik Lekgetho was not complaining. He was raising a serious issue that many of us have with the JMPD and their wicked behaviour to the citizens of Gauteng. Instead of going after those unlicensed taxis and impounding …

What are Roodepoorters becoming?

How ungodly are our people are in South Africa. Where is their humaneness, caring?

Erik Lekgetho was not complaining. He was raising a serious issue that many of us have with the JMPD and their wicked behaviour to the citizens of Gauteng.

Instead of going after those unlicensed taxis and impounding them, removing drivers with no valid PDPs from the vehicles, removing unroadworthy vehicles who are a menace to all of us they instead confiscate Erik’s tools of his trade. They took away his means to an income. He is at least working honestly to provide education, housing and food for his family.

He did not plead poverty for him and his children which you insinuate. And he worked flippen hard to earn R19 000. This did not happen sitting behind a desk, having an hour tea break in the morning, then an hour lunch break, thereafter another hour tea break in the afternoon (Gov departments).

He was out in the sun, rain, cold doing hard labourious tasks.

So to Lyndel Cash and Fanie van Vrede from Reef Chainsaws many, many thanks for coming to Erik’s aid and may you and your families be richly blessed and may your company be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

To H Walker jealousy makes you nasty and you and your son who are green with envy can also earn more than R2 400 by getting up off your butt and going out to look for work, albeit hard labourious tasks.

If you are physically unable to perform such tasks then find peace in your heart and be grateful with what god has given you. Do not begrudge others

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