
Metro Police is low and mean

Anonymous from Roodepoort writes: How ungodly, low and mean!! Eric Lekgetho is at least looking for legal ways and means to feed and educate his family and not stealing to support them. It is absolutely disgusting that Metro Police follow the law word for word because he chained his assets to a tree while waiting …

Anonymous from Roodepoort writes:

How ungodly, low and mean!!

Eric Lekgetho is at least looking for legal ways and means to feed and educate his family and not stealing to support them.

It is absolutely disgusting that Metro Police follow the law word for word because he chained his assets to a tree while waiting for work opportunities.

With the current situation in South Africa I do not blame him for protecting his assets. Tsotsis will walk past or jump off a vehicle parked at the robot and steal his chain saws.

Why don’t Metro Police enforce traffic laws and bylaws by the book for: Impound unroadworthy taxis; Impound vehicles of unlicensed drivers; Impose fines on those jumping red robots or stop signs, reckless driving, speeding and I could go on and on and on?

And what about those “mothers” who are cruel and committing child abuse by keeping their babies and toddlers with them day in and day out, in intense heat and sun, rain and cold to beg at robots and street corners?

I now urge mayor Parks Tau to get Eric Lekgetho and the many like him involved in the new initiative Jozi@Work, advertised in the edition dated 8 April. Practice what you preach = Support Entrepreneurs. Put your money where mouth is Mayor Parks Tau.

If I had the money I would give it to Eric so he can go ‘bail’ out his chain saws. That is if they are still at the venue where impounded goods are taken and a Metro cop or two have not taken his assets home with them.

Metro Police please become human and focus all your energies on thieves, drunkards terrorizing our streets, killing and maiming innocent citizens, maniacs & hooligans who speed in Galena, Banket and Ruhama roads, unroadworthy taxis, reckless driving by idiots, unlicensed drivers etc. etc.

Leave the entrepreneurs of our country who are not stealing or committing heinous crimes alone to make the small income they set out to earn each day to provide for their families.

Do not prey on easy targets by enforcing shitty by-laws that harm no-one. That is disgusting.

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